Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Red or White?

When drinking wine the first thing you need to decide is whether you want to drink red wine or white wine.

Generally speaking red wine is heavier and has a stronger flavor then white wine because it has tannins. Tannins are caused by the skins, seeds and stems of grapes that are left in with the juice of the grapes as they ferment. The tannins in red wine generally provide more complexity and result in a heavier taste. Tannins are also what allow red wines to age and last longer in the bottle and they give red wine it’s color.

Red wines are typically made with the juice and skins of red or dark colored grapes while white wines are made with white or green lighter colored grapes. Some white wines are made of darker grapes but the skins are not used so they retain a light color since they are made only with the pulp of the grape.

White wines are generally fruitier, crisper and sweeter than red wines though they can be dry or oaky. Red wines typically have more texture and depth. Usually, when people first start to drink wine they begin with white and then progress to red.

The general rule of thumb is if you are eating fish or chicken or something light and delicate in flavor then you should drink white wine and if you are eating something heavier like beef, lamb strong cheese or something with strong flavor then you should go with red.

If you are drinking wine on it's own then you may also want to take into account the time of day, temperature or even your mood. When it is hot outside, white wine is generally preferable because it is lighter and typically tastes best when chilled. If you are drinking during the day you may prefer white as it is lighter and often has less alcohol. Red wine on the other hand is usually best enjoyed near room temperature. Red wine is heavier and usually has more alcohol than white wine so it may be better on a cold day and in the afternoon or evening.

If you are drinking wine with food you will want the wine to compliment not overpower the food. This can be accomplished not only by deciding whether you will drink red or white wine but also by paying attention to the varietal you select to drink.

Pinot Gris and Savignon Blanc are white wines typically lighter in flavor. Chardonnay on the other hand can have more depth and flavor. Pinot Noir is typically a lighter red wine, Merlot more medium bodied while Zinfandel and Cabernet Sauvignon are heavier reds.

The truth is, you should drink what you like, when you like, with what you want. The most important thing is to just enjoy what you are drinking! Salut

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